April 6, 2008

How Key is High Quality Content for Your Blog?

Nothing will turn a blog into a success like high-quality content. Good content will create readership, and the lifeblood of a successful blog is repeat visitors. Other blogger notice good content so they will often link back to your posts. This creates backlinks which helps place your blog higher in the organic listings in the search engines.

If your blog has top-notch information or touches the reader in some way, they will come back to your blog. Effective writing is key to your blog being a success. It may take a little more time and effort to develop a well-written post then simply just quickly writing down your thoughts, but the end result will be well worth your time.

You should also strive to produce unique content that will make your blog different from others. Therefore you should choose topics that are interesting, have compelling opinions, do whatever you can to capture the reader's interest. You must have something in your blog that gives people a reason to come back to your blog that is different than other blogs with the same topic.

If people are interested in the topic of your blog, the more often you can provide new information, the better the possibility they will return to your blog. Search engines also like to see frequently updated sites. They reward blogs that provide frequent updates with higher rankings in the search engines. So frequent updating will lead even more people to your blog.

There is no magic number as to the number of posts you should add to your blog in a week, but the general rule is that the more often you can post, the better. Some bloggers update their blogs several times per day, some will do an update just once a week. You need to consider the amount of time you can put into updating your blog and how much new and relevant content you can put into your blog. Posting to your blog just for the sake of adding content make assist in getting your blog ranked higher in the search engines, but if the content is not high-quality, you will lose readers and make your blog useless.

People who make a living online will tell you that content is key. Content is what brings people to your blog. It is what keeps them there and will keep them coming back. The search engine spiders favor sites that have more content and content that is updated frequently. Some niches that are underserved may continue to successfully generate traffic with infrequent updates, but the more competitive field your blog topic is, it will be necessary for you to frequently provide updated content. Short posts have less value than more involved writing.

Next time I will discuss putting keywords into your blog post.


Wavecritter said...

Content is key, and your content is great! :)

Unknown said...

You are so right, high quality content is the key.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you enjoyed the Puzzle! They are great fun...:)

bleuet said...

Great blog Rhonda. Very well explained. Content is the key...
Thanks a lot ;)